
Kissaru Futsal Cup 2018 Announced

Kissaru Futsal Cup 2018 announced. 
Kissaru Cup is one of the biggest futsal tournaments in Huvadhu Atoll. The tournament will take place from the 11th of December to the 17th of December. Kondey Kissaru Jamiyya has organized Kissaru Cup once every two years since 2004. 
Kondey Kissaru Cup has seen popular futsal players from all over the country. Popular Futsal player Abdulla Shaffan(Shaka) was awarded the best player of the tournament in 2016. He was also the best player in the 2014 addition. Kissaru Cup has seen other popular Futsal players such as Hussain Shareef (On Ly), Ali Hafiz (Haappe), Abdullah Ibrahim (Crespo) among others.

Sports Club Bafana is one of the biggest names in Ga Atoll futsal scene. Photo: Sports Club Bafana 

Chance to participate in Kissaru Cup is open to Huvadhu Atoll. All applications must be submitted by the 12th of November 2018. The winning team will be awarded MVR 25,000 and the second placed team will get MVR 8000. Hosted in Ga. Kondey, 2018 will be the ninth Kissaru Cup. Kondey is a popular Futsal place. Kondey's young team had won the Minivan Championship's GA Atoll Tournament earlier this year.
Photo: Kondey Council.

15 October 2018