
Nazeeh Appointed Victory Boss

Mohamed Nazeeh has been appointed Head Coach of Victory Sports Club.

After the turmoil in the last game, This comes as a good news for Victory Sports Club Fans. Nazeeh moves from United Victory after completing the task of keeping United Victory in the Male' League. United Victory survived the relegation battle sending the giants Valencia to the second division.

Nazeeh worked for Victory in 2016 as Head Coach, midway through the season, he was replaced by Laszlo Kiss. Incidentally Nazeeh again replaces Kiss, though Kiss left months ago due to the financial turmoil within the club. 

Victory is still not free from problems as their bosses Mohamed Ismail and Ali Arif, the Parliament members were forced to resign amid claims of mismanaging funds. The two politicians failure to be reached was one of the reasons, the board decided to forfeit the match to TC Sports.

Nazeeh will take over at once at the dugout for Victory in their game against New Radiant Sports Club scheduled for tomorrow. Nazeeh will be up against Mohamed Sobah's New Radiant Sports Club who are in the second place. A win will Victory above Nilandhoo and just below Foakaidhoo on goal difference.

Photo: ImagesMV

07 October 2018