
Niya "The Decision Was From The Board Members"

Assistant coach of victory spots club, Ahmed Niyaz has said it on his Facebook page that the decision to forfeit their last match in Dhiraagu Dhivehi premier league against TC spots club was not by players. The decision was from club board members.

Victory is now in the 7th place of the league table. Victory had a wonderful run in the Male league after a poor showing last season. Victory head coach Laszlo Kiss already left the club due to Victory's financial problems months ago.

According the reports during the last election of club board, newly elected president and vice president, who are also Parliament members made strong words to find solutions to issues within the club. Victory already has being faced relegation during the 2015 and 2016, and it seems these are huge indications to a downfall within the club. Victory is a club with one of the most prestigious history in Maldives ever. The second most success full club in local football with a long history and a huge fan base behind the club, However due to poor performance and lack of management their own fans have taken different paths. It is a huge loss to Maldives football, specially in a time Maldives football has lost most of it's fan base.

According to senior coaches of other clubs Maldives football is in a state of crisis which need to be solved. Some coaches have urged the stakeholders to a sit down to find a permanent solution to these issues. It is not only victory, other clubs also has being effected by financial issues, but victory is the one with most critical condition.

The Football Association has made a lot of changes in their press conference. Time will tell if the measures taken by the FA works.

Photo: FAM

05 October 2018