
OPINIONS: Proud But Please Don't Make Us Wait Another 10 Years

OPINIONS: Proud But Please Don't Make Us Wait Another 10 Years

This is the best feeling. Praise be to Allah.

We are the winners of SAFF Championship again after 10 long years. First of all i would like to congratulate everyone involved in it. From the players, the coach, the staff, FAM, the fans and media.

To win is the best feeling. After seeing it on TV, it felt like I myself was wearing the medal too, all of us Maldivians. I felt very encouraged when the President of the Football Association said that it is all part of a long term plan. As someone who looks ahead, this was the best news for me. After the last SAFF victory, our football has lost touch with the people and now I hope this kick-starts our progress. I used to follow football before 2008 and not so much after 2008.

First of all, the Football Association in every country is associated with the Government, This is the norm. But it cannot be allowed to be a tool of a particular political party. This is why I lost interest. This is why i think a lot of us lost interest. I hope we learnt from this, because we can't wait another 10 years to win another SAFF Championship.

We need to start respecting our players. All this talk of Maldivian players not disciplined enough to be professionals is not fair to them. How many a times they come to us to borrow money because they had not received their salaries from clubs? When they are asked to work their socks off and then not paid, what do you expect? When we start paying them their salaries then we can improve their contracts clauses to fine them or do whatever is necessary to discipline them. I do not believe Maldivian players bad in this respect. But of cause in every country there will be those black sheep that gives everyone a bad name.

The top people in football should be able to take criticism. I was shocked when the coach attacked the media. Later on the FA president himself. I for one respect the coach and the FA, without whom this could not have been a reality. Bassam and Segrt has done an excellent job, no doubt about that. But already the problem here is football has lost touch with the fans. The only people who can fix this is the media. You have to be more media-friendly sirs, with all due respect. I agree sometimes the attack on the coach was sometimes too harsh. But of cause there is a reason for this too. The unfair treatment from the coach to our main man Ali Ashfaq (Dhagandey) wasn't exactly fair too. Yes we won. But wouldn't you think Dhangandey in the squad would have made it much easier for us?

We need to treat our players better. The Dhagandey saga is very unfortunate. I feel that most of the people with him betrayed him. If he was not performing then that is another story. Dropping him while he is on his best form for years, that is just telling the rest of the players what their fate is going to be too. Unless we fix this, how can we tell parents of good players that this is a profession? How can you convince a player who has doubts that this is now a good profession. I hope this will be fixed soon.


In the uneven press releases about Dhagandey issue, what I make out is that this is an ego issue. Whatever it is, the players younger than us, they need to be guided. The best management or the best coach isn't the one who always has his way. Specially not in the case of people like Dhagandey. Believe me you will be a bigger hero if you can talk to these players and find solutions. If you read about European and South American big players, they all have an attitude. The coaches come and curb their attitude and get the best out of them. The likes of Dhagandey has earned their place in Maldives history. Of course the media, the people will side with him. What have others achieved even close compared to him? To win is great, but to win without him is a shame. If we leave our ego's home and work together that will be better for Maldivian football.

Lastly the local league needs to be more consistent. I have tried to follow a few years ago. But the format kept changing and there is no place to get the info about it except for and now i hope BoalhaMV too. And not Foakaidhoo is in the Premier League? I am sure they are here because they are good enough. But how did they get here? How is the relegation process? the people need to know all this. Who are the players? Who are the coaches! We really need more information on all this.

Thank you for the opportunity BoalhaMV. I really hope that we don't have to wait another ten years to win SAFF Championship again. This beginning will hopefully see us getting qualified to the second round of the World Cup qualifying. This dream can be a reality and these few points are my humble opinion in some areas we need to work on. 

From -Proud Fan-

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Photo: ImagedMV

17 September 2018