
The Nations is hopeful, but can we allow our legends to be treated like this?

The Nations is hopeful, but can we allow our legends to be treated like this?

The Nations is hopeful, but can we allow our legends to be treated like this?

by: a concerned Maldives Supporter

With less than a month away from the SAFF Suzuki Cup 2018, People are comparing the present National team to the one that won the SAFF Championship of 2008. Today I heard a person who is involved in football talk about this.

Exactly ten years ago, we headed to the SAFF Championships, we weren’t the clear favorites. Our Captain Assad Abdul Ghani was injured, the coach took him anyway risking it. Today his brother, Akram Abdul Ghani, also the nation’s captain at the moment, is also traveling with the team injured. The coach is hopeful he will recover in time for the first game, just like Assad was ten years ago. That year too, Maldives met India in group stages meaning that we will not meet them in the knockout semi-final match. In 2008 too, the people were not happy about the team selections, as is now. And few more, but we are not people who believe in omens though it strikes a similar outlook.

Is history about to repeat itself? Maybe. We really hope it would. Maldives football is need of a boost. Our decline in local football started after winning the SAFF Championship.  Some of us supporters and those who work in football alike believe that winning this year’s SAFF Championship might turn things around.

For us fans, we would like to be positive always, but when we hear those who work in the field say they believe this too, it is music to our ears.

For this reason I personally really wanted to see Ashfaq (Dhagandey) play for the national team this year. I got to admit, I don’t watch all the league games though. But I believe this year we are seeing the best of Ali Ashfaq. With more goals than any other player local or foreign. More assists than any player, he is in his prime.

When Petar Segrt announced his squad, I think many people were devastated. The likes of BoalhaMV, Maldivesoccer, MIHAARU, SUN etc. all voiced their opinions. And you guys even have given chance for anyone to submit their thoughts. With the youth gathering in Henveiru to call for the National team to reinstate the captain, all has fallen to deaf ears. It’s our Bank; but it’s Segrts team.

This is disturbing no doubt. But the worse that made me write this is that some people believe that if we win this year’s SAFF Cup it is a perfect reply to Ashfaq. It’s Segrt’s or whoever is putting words to his mouth’s way to tell that we can do it without Ashfaq!

What kind of tom-foolery is this? Maldives football’s biggest asset in history does not need to prove anything. If we win it, it’s good we all are happy. But it does not take anything away from the great man. I believe he himself would be celebrating if we win. Mind you Ashad Ali of Green Streets is one of the best mid-fielders, and in form too, Imran Mohamed of Victory has been amazing, but Petar we leave you to your selection. But Ashfaq is different. This truly is like Argentina dropping Messi. Portugal dropping Ronaldo as said by you people at BoalhaMV before. Are you saying it is Ashfaq Vs Maldives as if he is a foreigner?

Dear Segrt and the people behind this (I don’t believe it’s his decision. If it is, then he lied to us when he first came to Maldives) you have arrogantly left behind our priced asset, yet we are with the team, but please do not think that winning is a reply to Ashfaq. He is a bigger name in Maldives football. Segrt Ashfaq is bigger than you. Do not create a rift between you and the fans. At this time you people need to make an effort to please us. Not piss us off. What is football without fans! Win back the trust of the people. Then watch us flock back to the stadium.

This is not unusual though. Before Ashfaq, Mohamed Imran, the nation’s greatest ever goalkeeper didn’t get the best treatment. Before him Ismail Asif (Kuda Heena), the captain then was stripped off the captaincy and ill-treated and slandered to something that wasn’t even proved. I am told Morning Sun Moosa Manik (Kuda Moosa) was ill-treated towards the end of his career too. I was too young then to actually know what exactly happened. Looks like it is a norm. Can this be allowed?

The similarities are there, but are we heading to win the Championship? I sure hope so. But mind you this is not because Ashfaq is not in the team. Any team in this region will be a lot stronger with a man of Ashfaq’s caliber. So leave him alone. He is the best and I don’t see any replacement for him.


(The content of this is from our readers, we do not necessarily agree or disagree with its contents- the readers may mail to this column at [email protected] or message our Facebook page. You may mail us in essay form or in point form, we will write it for you if it is more than 300 words we will post in this column)


Photo: ImagesMV

14 August 2018