
Easy win for Green Streets against Nilandhoo

Easy win for Green Streets against Nilandhoo
F.Nilandhoo Club Green Streets

Club Green Streets thrashed Nilandhoo by 6-0 to grab an easy win in today's Dhiraagu Dhivehi Premier League clash.

Green Streets were the superior side coming to the game aand started dominating the game from the very beginning. As a result, they took an early lead in the 7th minute when Nilandhoo's defence had not stabilzed after starting the game. Roland Rasel gave the lead for the green which was doubled at in the 15th minute by Abdulla Misbah. Roland scored his second of the day in the 23rd minute whileMisbah scored his second four minutes later which was the score at the end of the first half.

Green Streets managed to score two more goals in the second half with no reply from Nilandhoo. Pilaa (Ali Nasooh) scored his first goal of the tournament in the 85th minute while Misbah completed his hat-trick in the final minutes of the game. Nilandhoo had managed to stop Green Streets from scoring for a while in the second half but Green Streets had penetrated through Nilandhoo's defence to grab two goals.

Green Streets now have a total of 10 points and move to the top of the table while  Nilandhoo are at the bottom of the table with a single point.

Talking to the press after the game, Green Streets boss Ali Suzain, praised debutant goalkeeper Ibrahim Labaan Shareef. "Labaan proved to the public that their expectations of him is justified. I am not very excited about him, because I brought him for this and he did well".

Nilandhoo manager Abdul Haleem Hameed speaking to the media said that Experience played a big part in their poor first half showing, but they did better in the second half. Also he highlighted the financial difficulties faced by Nilandhoo FC and thanked Nilandhoo 'Daylight Club' for their assistance. Haleem also congratulated Green Streets for their victory. 


16 July 2018