
Match warm-up, by Maalhos Sports Club

Session by: Ali Nisthar Mohamed/ Ahmed Naseer (Joarey)

Set up: as shown in the diagram


The warm up is usually approximately 25 minutes in our team.

There are three groups working in the warm-up. The ten starting outfield players, the two goalkeepers and the substitutes.

Here is the warm up for the outfield players. The reserves just play the monkey game, we do not require them to warm up with the starting eleven. Both the goalkeepers work with the goalkeeper coach.

Outfield Players:

  • The ten starting outfield players’ just jogs around in the area marked with the yellow markers for a few minutes and they form two lines and do dynamic stretches (known here as Brazilian warm-up) (about 8 minutes)
  • After their stretching, they will do the ball works in twos. (5 minutes)
  • 5v5 game with two neutral players/ two substitute players, (take no more than 7 minutes including the intervals)
    • The server (assistant coach) passes the ball to either teams
    • The team with the ball keeps possession while maintaining their shape
    • The other team tries to win the ball in an organized manner
    • The team in possession can play to the neutral players who will pass the ball back to them (neutral players cannot enter the grid)
    • Try to stop through balls to neutral players. In case of back pass just stay organized. Communicate well and try to predict moves.
    • The assistant coach stops drill after every two minutes for twenty seconds as a small interval.
  • The four defenders take few minutes of long passes. While the other six players practice shooting. (around 4-5 minutes)
  • Coordination exercises before heading back to the changing room. (1-2 minutes)

Most of the Clubs use this warm-up regime, except for the 5v5 game. We choose this game because, this game also gives the players a final rehearsal for keeping the shape, especially the defenders. This to us is most important.

02 January 2018