
Variation of Passing: two short passes and long pass

Coach Azzmi Abdul Aziz is a Malaysian Coach currently working as Assistant Coach of Kedah, Malaysia. The former national player is an A-Licensed coach. We are proud to present Coach Azzmi’s Variation Passing session

Aim: to improve Passing and receiving

Set-up: as shown below

Equipment: 4 cones, 2 markers, ball – per grid

Players: 12


  • Player 1 (red-1) passes to ball to player 2 and jogs behind the marker
  • Player 2 passes to player 3 (one touch)
  • Player 3 receives the ball to make the long pass to player 4 (sets the ball)
  • For long passes two touch is allowed (if possible direct)



Major Coaching Points:

  • See basic passing coaching points
  • Timing
  • Come forward (away from cone for receiving the ball)


  1. Change direction
  2. Use wall passes (wall pass – one twos)
  3. Pass to the third player (player 2 who receives the ball runs to player 3, while the first passer passes (player 1) to player 3.

12 January 2018