

In the ongoing Milo Inter School Football Tournament 2018, in under 16, Imaduddin School has entered the semifinals.

Imaddudin, the orange army side advanced to semifinals after winning the quarter final match against Ghaazee School by a big 6-0 score line.

Imaduddin opened the opponent goal in just three minutes into the game. In the 3rd minute, it was orange Ilhan Ismail, who scored a beautiful goal by beating the goal keeper in the process. A well-played through pass by J.No#7 Ahmed Samaah, in to the space left in the left flank of the pitch, to which Ilhan ran forward and received it brilliantly before he dribbled into the box and placing the ball into the right corner leaving Ghaazee goal keeper, u-16 national team goal keeper, Mohamed Raif on the ground just watching as the ball hits the back of the net of his own goal. Raif and Ilhan are u-16 national team players. Making an early lead, Imaduddin oranges were seemed as the dominant of the game from the moment onward.

It did not take long enough for the orange army to make thtier antoher attack against then oppnet goal. Just five minutes after, J.No#14, Captain Ahmed Raisham doubled the lead to his side with a brilliant finish inside the box making it 2-0. A good paced cross by Waris Ibrahim from the right wing found the lone standing Raisham in the box, who placed the ball to left side of the goal leaving Ghaazee goal keeper Raif action less once again.  Raif and Raisham also are u-16 national team players. After the second of the afternoon, Ghaazee side somehow made it hard for Imaduddin orange boys. But in a match where Imaduddin seems to be the well dominating side on the pitch as they were leading the game by 2-0, it seems at some point, before half time the orange army side will strike again. It happened in the 33rd minute. Couple of minutes before the interval, again Captain Ahmed Raisham went to score his brace of the afternoon. In a counter attack once again Waris Ibrahim placed a good cross into the box from the right wing, which found Raisham all alone as he received the ball well before he shot. But this time Raisham’s shot inside the box was stopped by his national team mate, Ghaazee goal keeper Mohamed Raif. But Raif was not able to secure the ball well as the ball got rebound just in front of the hungry orange army striker. Raisham was quick enough to take advantage of the rebound ball which Raif was not able to stop as Raisham placed it in the back of the net of the goal. And it made 3-0, Imaduddin orange army side leading all the way as the game went to interval.

As expected, during the second half also, Imaduddin side was leading the match all the way dominating it. Just five minutes into the second half, Ilhan Ismail scored his second of the afternoon and made it 4-0 for his Imaddudin side. In the 45th minute, a long ball from outside the box to which Ghaazee goal keeper came forward to catch it was slipped from him grips and found the freely waiting Imaduddin player inside the box. Ilhan Ismail placed the ball confidently into a free goal and completed his brace in the match.

Imaduddin is among the best two scoring teams in the tournament and they have 100% clean sheet record. In this match also Imaduddin was displayed as a team hungry for goals as well as fought well to defend their own goal as they want to keep up to their amazing 100% clean sheet record.

In the 53rd minute, from a corner, Ahmed Samaah scored a brilliant long range goal from outside the box as it made 5-0 for the orange army side. Ahmed Raisham passed the ball to Samaah who came to collect the ball from his team in the corner. From a short played corner ball, Samaah striker the ball well as the ball went through the near post of the Ghazee goal keeper.

When the game reached to it’s last 10 minutes, up to the time, Ghaazee side was not able to get an open chance to score and minimize the score line margin. But again it was Imaddudin side who scored the last of the match.

From the penalty spot, Captain Ahmed Raisham complete his hat-trick of the match in the 74th minute.

Imaduddin dominated the game, well played it, and advance to semifinals in a deserving way by 6-0.

Photo by our image partner: Images.Mv

16 April 2018