
Meedhoo has started the preparations for the upcoming Minivan Championships

R Atoll Meedhoo has started the preparations for the upcoming Minivan Championship tournament.

This year their target is to win the Atoll Championship and go from there. They are committed to take the team all the way. This season it is an all-Meedhoo team, except for the goalkeeper. According to Mohamed Shareef, the chairperson of the organizing committee, they invested in foreign players last year, and they did not perform as expected. So this year they are putting all their trust in their very own young team. Meedhoo team has players as young as 16 year olds in their ranks. Last year finalists are hopeful that their home funded team can reach the heights they failed to reach last season.

The team are trained by two local coaches Hassan Shareef and Rahmathullah Abdul Kareem. The biggest challenge the club is facing that, some of their players work in nearby resorts. These players join the practices after travelling to Meedhoo. Transport arranged by the club.

When asked if they can endure a 9 month season, Mr Mohamed Shareef said that the people of Meedhoo are very united and that if they are given the starting funds, they will be more than willing to do their best to compete at the highest level. But right now they are very focused on winning their first milestone.

We will bring you more news from the Minivan Championships as we get them.

Photo : R. Meedhoo SC

07 March 2018