

Word has spread that Club Eagles and Valencia is eyeing to sign Ibrahim Aflah who played for Victory Sports Club last season.

Aflah is a hardworking midfielder from Holhudhoo, who is well known for his defencive skills in the midfield and for his ability for suppling good balls upfront. After Victory’s unsuccessful attempt to reach the top four in Male league last year, Aflah joined his home island, Holhudhoo for the Siyam Mauroof Cup. He may have returned empty handed after they were beaten in the semi-final last year, but Holhudhoo were named champions in 2015 and 2016. Aflah played a vital role for holhudhoo to be crowned champions in those years and to reach semi-final last year. Aflah previously played for BG Sports and was one of Shaz’s favourite players as he was reliable in the midfield.

Both Club eagles and Valencia are signing players before the season kicks off. Aflah koining either team will strengthen them even more as he has proven his quality at Victory, BG and at his home team, Holhudhoo FC.

Photo: Ibrahim Aflaah - 11

12 January 2018