
Ahmadhiyya wins Milo Inter-School Under 14 tournament.

Ahmadhiyya International School won Milo Inter-school Under 14 Tournament today, in a comprehensive manner by beating Iskander School 5-0. In a one sided final match, totally dominated by Ahmadhiyya International School, they scored the first goal of the match in the very first minute of the match. The goal was score by Mohamed Rimahaan Qasim (jersey No. 8). Ahmadhiyya doubled their lead in the 11th minute by a goal from Yoosuf Saidhaam Ali (jersey No.11). His long range shot went into the top corner of the Iskander goal with keeper helpless to stop the perfect shot. Ahmadhiyya scored a 3rd goal a minute later, by Moahmed Rimahaan Qasim (jersey No.8), who was the tournaments top scorer. Ahmadhiyya scored a 4th goal before the end of the half, by Moosa Maahil Migdhaadh (Jersey No. 18) on the 26th Minute of the match.

Iskander improved considerably in the second half and created a couple of goal scoring chances but was unable to score a goal. Ahmadhiyya with a big lead relaxed a bit, but scored a 5th goal in the 60th Minute of the match by Ibrahim Atheef ( Jersey No. 2).

Top Goal Scorer of the tournament was Mohamed Rimhaan Qasim (Jersey No. 8) of Ahmadhiyyaa International School who scored 2 goals in the final match.

Fair Play team was Hirya School.


The best 11 players of the tournament are as follows:

  1. Yaseen Abdhulla Saeed, Ghiyasuddin International School (jersey no. 10)
  2. Ismail Ikan Bin Ali, Majeedhiyya School (jersey no. 7)
  3. Ahmed Maeesh Mohamed, Majeedhiyya School (jersey no. 22)
  4. Abdhulla Rifaah, Thajuddeen School (jersey no. 9)
  5. Mohamed Rimhaan Qasim, Ahmadhiyya International School (jersey no. 8)
  6. Aiham Hamdhoon, Hiriya School (jersey no. 9)
  7. Mohamed Zayaan Ismail, Iskandharu School (jersey no. 11)
  8. Asadhulla Abdulla Ganee, Ahmadhiyya International School (jersey no. 7)
  9. Abdhulla Amin Ali, Majeedhiyya School (jersey no. 7)
  10. Saaim Saleem, Thajuddeen School (jersey no. 7)
  11. Ismail Maishan, (Goal Keeper) Ahmadhiyya International School (jersey no. 1)

Photo Credits: FAM Facebook page

02 October 2017