
Maziya Starts Preseason Training Today

Maziya Starts Preseason Training Today
Maziya Sports and Recreation Club

Maziya Sports and Recitation Club has started Preseason training today. 

Trainings were held with new guildlines to ensure the public safety. HPA and FAM imposed Measures to avoid the spread of Covid-19 virus were followed by Maziya players and staffs. 

Most of the Maziya players from last season were present to today's training. However left back Samir left the club couple of days ago. Some of the key players such as Ashad Ali  Adubarey),  Mohamed Umair and Ahmed Abdullah (Lily), captian Assadhulla Abdulla and other players were present todays practice. Maziya's first team was trained by the instructions of newly appointed head coach Mohamed Nizam (Nizambe) today. 

Maziya became the first club to start pre season training after HPA gave it's approval to start club football activities last week.

Photos: Maziya

10 October 2020