
Mahibadhoo starts it's second veterans football competition

Adh.Mahinbadhoo council is holding their second veterans football competition starting from Friday. 

This competition is taking place during Alha Eid since last year. 

Four teams taking part in this year's competition  are FC Legend, The Lions, Vaanuvaa and The Joali. 

Speaking to BoalhaMV, President of mahinbadho council, Ahmed Khaleel said that their aim is to promote an active and healthier community among the veterans, who also findd it difficult to get a chance to play after the age of 35 years.

Chief guest for the opening match was a national footballer Assadullah Abdullah, who also belongs to Mahibandoo. 

Mahinbandoo has introduced many successful football players such as first Maldivian footballer who was listed among the FIFA Century club, Mohamed Imran (Imma), former national team forward Mohamed Thoriq (Tom) and former national team player Mohamed Niyaz Hussain (Bokuri).

01 August 2020