
Serie A to ban fans from stadiums till 2021

Serie A could be held behind closed till 2021 claims reports from Italy. It comes after federation president Gabriele Gravina confirmed plans to resume action in May.

The Italian league has been suspended since early March after Italy became the first European country to strongly suffer the effects of coronavirus. There are still fears the league could be scrapped. 

Lockdown restrictions could be eased in May, with people currently not allowed to leave their homes unless they need essentials. But the government does not want to risk more problems by allowing football fans to gather in close proximity.

Italian government wants stadiums to be re opened to fans in January next year at the earliest. But players could start to train next month with the hope of resuming matches shortly afterwards and some reports even suggests all 20 teams could play matches in Rome with couple of days breaks between matches to try and finish the season.

14 April 2020