
Fifa launch global fund for player salary protection

FIFA and FIFPRO, the World Players’ Union, have reached an agreement to establish the FIFA Fund for Football Players (FIFA FFP), which aims to provide financial support to players who have not been paid and have no chance of duly receiving the wages agreed with their clubs.

FIFA has set aside USD 16m for the fund up to 2022, with this allocation to be divided as follows: USD 3m in 2020, USD 4m in 2021 and USD 4m in 2022, plus a further USD 5m set aside for the retroactive protection of players’ salaries for the period between July 2015 and June 2020.

Maldivian football has an ongoing issue with player salary with many of the top flight players not being payed while fallen giants of Maldivian football New radiant, Valencia and Victory Sports Club own many dozen of players.

The combined wage bills of these three clubs are in the millions of dollars. New Radiant Sports who have been abandoned by Colonel Ziyad have more than eight million in player salary that they own to local and foreign players including Afghan captain Haroon Amiri who has filed a offical complaint against New Radiant to Fifa. Many of the stars for Ziyad era have not received their due salaries. 

13 February 2020