
B-License Course To Start Next Month

B-License Course To Start Next Month
Coach Education FAM

Football Association of Maldives has announced a B-Certificate course. The Asian Football Confederation(AFC) B-Certificate was last held in 2018 in Male with the likes of Adam Abdul Latheef(Lacchey) and Mohamed Sobah excelling. 

The third highest football certificate, the B-Certificate will be held in FAM, Male in the end of October. The course will commence on the 27th October till the 19th of November. The B-Certificate covers basics of group tactics. While the C-Certificate deals with individual tactics, B-Certificate covers group tactics. The A-Certificate covers team tactics. B-Certificate is minimum requirement for assistant coaches in top tier league and all national teams. 

Only C-Certificate and atleast two year experience after C-Certificate  are eligible to participate in the B-Certificate course.The three week course will have three practical exams and two theory exams. Participants are required to pass both the theory papers and atleast two of the three practical exams. Coaches who pas the B-Certificate are required to work for atlease two years before they can attempt the A-Certificate course. The top football coaching certificate the Pro-License course can we attempted with one year experience after completing the A-Certificate course.

The application form can be downloaded from the LINK from FAM.

Photo: Facebook|Football Association of Maldives


09 September 2019