
OPINIONS: Towards Future Sounds Nice, But What About Us

OPINIONS: Towards Future Sounds Nice, But What About Us
Indian Ocean Island Games Maldives

‘Towards future’ has a nice tone to it, all these kids with dreams. Some dream of playing in Europe but others like me just dream of playing in the national colors. Playing in the national stadium is an honor, though no one is watching us. There is an obvious reason to why no one is watching but let’s leave that to another day.

Today I want to ask all of you, the Association, the clubs, coaches and even you BoalhaMV; 'What about us?'
There is the senior National Team performing and all we see now is 'Towards Future', as if the senior team does not matter. Even BoalhaMV, all we see are screen shots from you trying to promote your Mobile App. It seems like the senior national team has been forgotten.

The result is other sports are doing better! We need to think hard before the government spends money on Football. As a player these are a few things that come from my heart. Football matters to me, it is my life, his is nothing personal.

We have players who have not been paid for months. This is nothing new. We have been going through this for years. Only foreign player’s problems are looked into, hardly any Maldivian players complains have ever been heard. Some of my friends have been paid in the end, some still have pending payments from years. Is this the future that we are preparing these kids for? Can the public still talk about how poor Maldivian player attitudes are?!

Mohamed Hanan Adam of Maldives under-15        Photo: FAM

Like most football players I played for the school team, we were the future just a few years ago. Now this is a nightmare we can’t get out of. Because the people in-charge of us have failed us. They have forgotten us, including you BoalhaMV.

Who will stand up for us? Those who lead us are leading us down the ladder while Volleyball and other sports are heading up. This can only be stopped when we make our top-level a stable arena to showcase our talent, where we are paid, judged according to our footballing talents. Because we have abundance of talent. And because this is a great job.
This is just a rant from a player who is crying ‘fair play’! Be fair to us, without being fair to us, how can this ‘Towards future’ work. We are the future they are sending these boys to. The forgotten ones!

From: Concerned Player (via Facebook Messenger)

(The content of this is from our readers, we do not necessarily agree or disagree with its contents- the readers may mail to this column at [email protected] or message our Facebook page. You may mail us in essay form or in point form, we will write it for you if it is more than 300 words we will post in this column)

Photo: ImagesMV

21 July 2019