
Da Grande Beats Nilandhoo In The Opening Match of DPL

Da Grande Beats Nilandhoo In The Opening Match of DPL
da grande DPL2019-20 F.Nilandhoo

Da Grande marks their Premier League debut with a 2-0 victory over Nilandhoo.

It took only two minutes for the new comers to be in the Dhivehi Premier League without scoring when right back Ahmed Vijudhan(Viju) intercepted a pass raced into the penalty box to blast the ball past Nilandhoo's Ziyazan. Until the halftime both teams razed at each other. 

Man of the Match Tholal Naseer sealed the fate of Nilandhoo with a brilliant goal tapping past the helpless goalkeeper to make it 2-0.

Tomorrow evening Victory Sports Club will play against the Champions TC Sports at 16:00 hours. In the night game Foakaidhoo will play against United Victory.

Photo: ImagesMV

14 June 2019