
Imma takes a stand to revive the Blues

The all-time star club of Maldives, New Radiant SC is currently undergoing the suspension put upon them by the FAM. This was due to them not paying the wages set for their players. And who else will experience this act of unfairness other than the players themselves? But leaving that behind, their last and Maldivian superstar Keeper Imran Mohamed stands up to bring them back.

This news will certainly be melody to the well-wishers and supporters on the club. Imma has given full certainty that he is ready to do all he can for the revival of the club.

FAM stated that the suspension was due to the many problems sent by the players of the club, but the club is saying otherwise and they are saying that this is not a suspension even related to the problems of the players, rather this is a suspension they are undergoing due to the proposal they made for the no confidence vote of the SMT of FAM.

Even Imma has questioned the true purpose of this suspension, he said that if the FAM says that this was for the sake of the players who sent the problems regarding the club, why have they still not received their payment? He also creates the question whether this was something purposely done to avoid the said no confidence vote or for the well-being of another team?

Imma has given full assurance that he is ready to do anything and everything he can to bring the club back from this misfortunate incident.

27 May 2019