
Two New Radiant youth players joins Victory!

Two New Radiant youth players joins Victory!
New Radiant Sports Club United Victory Victory Sports Club

Victory has signed another two players for their side.

The two players Yoosuf Jaisham Naafiz (Jai)and Dhaisam Shareef (Dhai) both showed excellent performances in the U-21 Youth Championship that recently ended. Both players played for New Radiant youth who played in the colours of United Victory.

Jai has formerly played for the U-16 national side. He has shined this year at the Youth Championship scoring some goals in the process as well. Dhai also meanwhile played an important role for the team despite the issues they had to face just before the tournament.

Victory has signed key youth players from their championship youth side and also other youth sides who had shown an impressive performance. Both New Radiant (in the name of United Victory) and Victory ended the tournament as the second bottom team with 3 points each in their respective groups.

The Premier League set to start in June is already hyped up with the buzz in the transfer market for the young talents who showcased in the championship.

Jai was a transfer target for Foakaidhoo FC.

Photo: ImagesMV

26 February 2019