
“We are not targeting to win the title” – Assistant Coach Faattey

“We are not targeting to win the title” – Assistant Coach Faattey
Club Green Streets Eydhafushi Football Team FAM U-21 Youth Championship Foakaidhoo Sports Club Maziya Sports and Recreation Club New Radiant Sports Club TC Sports Club Victory Sports Club

Assistant coach of Eydhafushi Team who are preparing for the upcoming youth championship says their target is not winning the title but to find more opportunities for their players to shine in both club and national level.

Speaking to brother of famous footballer Ali Fasir (Sentey), Mohamed Fasir (Faattey) says that the team had little time to prepare and in reference to that the board of the team did not assign a certain target for the team to achieve in the youth championship but the team will try to go to the furthest they possibly can.

According to him the main reason why the team did not get enough time to fully prepare for the tournament was due to the recent coaching course held in the island I which all football related personnel of the island took part in to get busy with it. Although he is confident that without much training the team can give a good fight to the opponents they will face. He says 4 players were brought from other islands to strengthen their weak spots and he is hopeful that the team will produce stars of the future.

Talking to he said, “The biggest challenge we face is the venue of the tournament. Here in Eydhafushi we practice and play our football in sand but the tournament is held on grass. Due to this the players will need to change their boots for the tournament as well.” The new high class stadium being currently built in the island hopes to solve this problem.

The head coach of the team will be the former star player born to the island, Mohamed Zahidh (Battey) who has played an important role in coaching Eydhafushi team for the Minivan Championship and achieving remarkable milestones. The island has produced great footballers who has helped the nation achieve remarkable success in various tournaments.

This year’s tournament hopes to be one of the most competitive tournaments to be held. In this year’s Youth Championship, Club Eagles, Maziya Sports and Recreation, Club Green Streets, TC Sports Club, Victory Sports Club, New Radiant Sports Club, Da Grande Amigos New Generation (Da G.A.N.G), Foakaidhoo Football Club and Eydhafushi Club will be participating.

Photo: Facebook/Club Eydhafushi

27 January 2019