
New Radiant Stops Maziya As TC Wins League With A Game In Hand

New Radiant Stops Maziya As TC Wins League With A Game In Hand
Maziya Sports and Recreation Club New Radiant Sports Club TC Sports Club

New Radiant stop Maziya's winning streak as TC wins League with a game in hand.

New Radiant comes from behind to draw Maziya 4-4 in today's Premier League game. Maziya needed to win and hope that TC lose against Eagles later tonight. The draw means TC has a point more than Maziya even before their game against Eagles later tonight.

By sixteenth minute Maziya had taken a two goal lead with goals from Asako(Asadulla Abdulla). Cornelius Stewart scored Maziya's third in the twenty fourth minute. Before halftime Gurbani Amir and Hampu(Hamza Mohamed) deduced the deficit to 3-2 before halftime. 

Fifteen minutes into the second half New Radiant equalized Gurbani Amir with his second goal of the game. Maziya pushed forward to find the winner, and Messi(Ismail Easa) gave Maziya the lead in the sixty fifth. It looked like Maziya had accomplished their target when Ibrahim Atheeg Hassan broke Maziya hearts with the equalizer for New Radiant.

The draw give TC the league before their match against Eagles later tonight.

Photo: ImagesMV

30 November 2018